My name is Emily Weinberger, a mother and future art teacher. I grew up in Manitowoc, Wisconsin with my parents and younger sister. I have a passion to learn different mediums in the art field and incorporating my own experiences into my art work. I hope to one day be able to teach others the techniques I have learned over the years, bring a positive, safe and creative atmosphere to the classroom where the students have a wonderful learning experience and be able to pursue my personal art projects in my free time.
Contact Info
Art Education
2021 Bachelors in Art Education, Silver Lake College
2017 Associates in General Education, UW Manitowoc
About me
Pottery Wheel
Over the years I have tried to become more skillful on the pottery wheel. The wheel is definitely my passion and all time favorite thing to do in ceramics. It has been fun and educational to experiment and build clay in different ways. Creating my tiles of Amsterdam and my family flowers are just two ways that I have ventured into incorporate my travels and family into my art work.
Photography has been a brand new skill that I have tried to acquire and become more skillful at over the past year. I have found that I enjoy working with my family members and friends when it comes to taking pictures. Being able to dress them up and have them pose in different ways was a great way to experience taking pictures and working with live subjects.

Observation Work
2018 Jefferson Elementary School, Kasey Kuznacic​​
Helping Students with projects
Cleaning up and Preparing for class
2016 Franklin Elementary School, Andrea Ortega
Helping Students with projects
Cleaning up after class
2016 Stangel Elementary School, Andrea Ortega
Helping Students with projects
Cleaning up after class
2014 Lincoln High School, Gloria Pivonka
Observing the teachers presentation
Discussing projects with students
Service Experience
2006 Server and Bartender, Courthouse Pub
2004 Customer Service, Family Video
2018 Silver Lake College Mural, Erin LaBonte
Handing out brushes and paint
2014 Domestic Violence Center Wizard of OZ Event, Courthouse Pub
Serving Food
Cleaning Up
2013 Domestic Violence Center Kentucky Derby Event, Courthouse Pub
Serving Food
Cleaning Up
2012 Domestic Violence Center Red Carpet Event, Courthouse Pub
Interviewing Guests
Serving Food
Cleaning Up
2010 Domestic Violence Center 60's Event, Courthouse Pub
Serving Food
Cleaning Up